The ATS Board of Commissioners acted on the report of the evaluation team that visited campus in March and recommended reaffirmation of the seminary as a whole, all its degree programs, its comprehensive distance learning (online) program, and the complete degree-granting site at the Academy for World Mission in Korntal, Germany.
As part of the team’s report, they noted four distinctive strengths of Columbia Biblical Seminary:
1. Institution-wide commitment to the mission, vision, and core values, especially the school’s “Great Commission” focus demonstrated in a missiological and multicultural mindset and in an internationally diverse student body.
2. Faculty who are internationally engaged with and widely praised by students, especially for teaching and mentoring inside and outside the classroom and for focusing on student formation and vocation.
3. Trustees who are deeply committed to and generously supportive of the school’s mission and vision, as well as the school’s leadership and faculty.
4. Administrators who are visionary and entrepreneurial, while remaining committed to the school’s mission and core values—a distinctive leadership that embodies care and engenders confidence.
We give thanks to God for this gracious report and for the faculty, staff, and students who made it possible.